Insights to drive your team forward

Analytics and reporting at your fingertips. You’ve completed the tasks, we’ve organized the data.

Try it now for free. No credit card needed.

built by the world’s fastest moving teams

data analyzed for you, by us

Universal dashboards for all teams

Workspace overview

Track actions and projects across your entire workspace with ease.

Late actions

Understand action completion, late actions, and overall trends to improve efficiency.

Time tracking

Better track and analyze time spent on each action and project in your workspace.


Utilize this dashboard to understand your team's availability and progress.

Let us crunch the numbers for you

All of the information you need to understand workspace, task, and project progress in a clean dashboard. Trust us, it’s easier when we just do it for you.

Total Actions


Total Projects


Total Assignees


High level insights

Filter your data to focus
on what matters

Customizable filters that break down insights by project, label, assignee, and more, allow you to have full control over your analytics dashboards.

stay ahead of the game

Monitor, track and
triage pending issues

Utilize analytics to spot late tasks, resourcing issues, budget concerns, and more before they put a wrench in your project.

Share with your team

Easily export the
information you need

Report on what matters and share those insights with the world (or your boss). Export individual pieces of data or charts, or entire dashboards.

Layer add-ons

Integrate your other Hive Apps

Bring data from resourcing, timesheets, time-tracking, and more into your analytics dashboards. Cut down on time spent flipping back and forth between Hive Apps.

designed by you

Custom dashboards
designed by Hive

Need something a bit more custom? Our team can help. We offer professional services assistance to help tackle your toughest analytics questions. Together, we can build your dream analytics dashboard.

What our customers are saying

“You can use the analytics feature to discover gaps and bottlenecks in your project productivity and send notifications about your projects for corrective action.”

Andrew F,
Software Engineer

“Hive enabled us to cleanly build and track projects, visualize project status and bottlenecks, and also use analytics to identify which projects were taking us disproportionately more time than others.”

Chris G,

“Hive has helped me and our team streamline processes and improve program management”




IT and Services

See for yourself why successful teams use Hive