Track how your team spends time

Understand which projects are overstaffed or need more resources. Get insight into time spent by project or task.

built by the world’s fastest moving teams

Templates for all teams

Quick-start any type of project in Hive with our 100s of templates.

Setup Time & Resourcing

Ensure that your team has the tools to track their time, billable hours, and more with this template in Hive.


Template includes:

  • Actions & Subactions
  • Assignments
  • Time tracking enabled

Run A Marketing Agency

Manage multiple successful client engagements and campaigns with this simple project management template.


Template includes:

  • Actions & Subactions
  • Custom Fields
  • Milestones

Produce Creative Work

Ideal for teams looking to create, proof, and share creative work internally or externally.

Template includes:

  • Approval logs
  • Asset proofing
  • Task & subtasks

lay the groundwork

Structure your projects and tasks

To track time in your workspace, or to understand allocation, you’ll need to first have projects and tasks broken out.

task planning

Let's talk timeline and estimates

Once you’ve got your project or tasks framework set up, you’ll need to figure out your project timeline and overall estimates.


Features for project success

Use Projects and Project Navigator to identify ongoing projects, report on status, and manage timelines.

Use direct messages, group chats, or team updates to send relevant information along about projects and tasks.

Access the workspace activity page to better understand how projects and timelines are progressing.

Customize your Gantt to show project timelines, baselines, milestones, and more.

Automatically track time on tasks with one click. Go about your daily routine and check back in once you’ve completed the task.

Utilize Workspace Overview and Resourcing analytics reports to track how your team is progressing and spot areas for improvement.

submit and review time

Input your time weekly & view high-level trends

Whether you’re resourcing yourself and your team by project or task, use Hive to understand allocation, trends, and identify gaps.

plan ahead

Glean insights & plan for the next project

Once you’ve tracked time and manage timelines across one project, there will likely be another right around the corner. Leverage the work you’ve already done.

integrations & workflows

Run your entire organization from Hive

Connect your favorite apps to Hive and automate the flow of information across your entire project team.

What our customers our saying

“As a marketing-related company, the flow process of our campaigns are completely organized by Hive. We can measure productivity more specifically and are enjoying the platform as a whole.

Maselli Paiz R,
General Manager

“Keeping track of where each project is at, where we are in the timeline, when things are due, it was all a very manual, opaque process.”



Joshua T,
Senior Director

“Hive allows our team to customize our workflow. It also has several tools and features that help us individually organize and optimize our goals and plans.”


Alex S,
Operations Coordinator

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