Iniciar un proyecto
con plantillas Hive

Aplica una plantilla prediseñada para iniciar un proyecto en 30 segundos o menos.

Todas las plantillas

Simple Project Plan

Start here to learn how to build a standard project plan!

Create Gantt Charts

Visualize your project plan so you can be prepared for what’s next.

Manage a Portfolio of Projects

Have a perfect birds eye view of all of your projects.

Run a Marketing Agency

Sort your to-dos by client, category, status and more to ensure everyone is up to date.

Produce Creative Work

Ideal for teams looking to create, proof, and share creative work internally or externally.

Track My Team’s Goals

Ideal for teams looking to create, proof, and share creative work internally or externally.

Client Project Kickoff

Ideal for teams looking to create, proof, and share creative work internally or externally.

Time and Resourcing System

Understand what resources you need to complete your projects on time.

Content Calendar

Effectively plan and schedule content with Hive Calendar view.

Product Launch

Work in status view to track product launches with the team.

Bug Submission

Effectively manage and allocate resources for bug fixing, ensuring timely resolution.

IT Project

Effectively organize and track your team’s technical tasks from start to finish.


Easy access to customer information, such as past interactions and preferences.

Software Development

Enable the tracking and management of project resources, such as budget and staff allocation.

Standup Meeting

Facilitates seamless information sharing, enhancing transparency and visibility.

University Marketing

University marketing teams can streamline their processes, and collaborate.

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¡Aplica tu plantilla y edítala como necesites en tu espacio de trabajo!

Visita la Biblioteca de plantillas haciendo clic en el azul de la esquina superior derecha de Hive. Selecciona la biblioteca de plantillas y busca tu plantilla perfecta.

Aplica una plantilla de nuestra biblioteca para iniciar tu trabajo o guarda tus propios proyectos anteriores como nuevas plantillas.

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